Fertilizer dealer
The name of the fertilizer dealer of this union: Md. Malek Gazi
Mobile: 01717272828
Village: Shahabajpur, Post Office: Kukri Mukri, Ward No .: 6 Union: 12 No. of Kukireei Mukri, Upazila: Charfashion, District: Bhola.
There is a dealer in every area based Khusra vendor in the union, which is running on the basis of the certified license from the upazila agricultural officer.
1.Mo: Md. Malek Gazi - (Dealer) ---------- 017172728
2.MO: Ismail - Retailer
3. Yadav Chandra Das - retailer
4. Md. Alamgir - Retailer
5. Md: Mnan - retailer
6.MO: Nur-Idin - retailer
7.mo .: Alamgir Hawlader - retailer
8. Md Jasim Choukidar
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Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS